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Christine Coulson
Nov 28, 20243 min read
The 'binge drinking' documentary that shows change IS possible
This morning, I caught up on a powerful documentary on alcohol - the BBC's 'Panorama: Binge Drinking and Me'. You can currently find it...
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Christine Coulson
Jul 7, 20235 min read
Alcohol and Cost 5: Dignity
This is going to be good; and I know this because of all the posts I have written about the costs of alcohol, this I've dreaded the most
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Christine Coulson
Jul 6, 20238 min read
Alcohol and Cost 4: Health
This is a big one, because the impact alcohol has on both your physical and mental health are significant. There is no denying it.
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Christine Coulson
Jul 5, 20234 min read
Alcohol and Cost 3: Time
One of the unexpected bonuses of being sober is the sheer amount of time you get back. Time that, if I’m totally honest, I just hadn’t...
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Christine Coulson
Jul 4, 20234 min read
Alcohol and Cost 2: Relationships
I often say that my drinking didn’t affect any of my romantic relationships, but actually I don’t think that’s true.
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Christine Coulson
Jul 2, 20233 min read
Alcohol and Cost 1: Financial
The financial cost of drinking alcohol soon adds up
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